
Business ethics : decision making for personal integrity and social responsibility / Laura P. Hartman, Joseph DesJardins, Chris MacDonald. - 6th Edition - New York , McGraw Hill : 2024 - xiv, 433 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index

Ethics and business
Ethical decision making : personal and professional contexts
Philosophical ethics and business
The corporate culture
impact and implications
Corporate social responsibility
Ethical decision making : employer responsibilities and employee rights
Ethical dicision making : technology and privacy in the workplace
Ethics and marketing
Business and environmental sustainability
Trust in corporate governance, accounting, and finance

"Reflecting on both ethical corruption and success stories, the 6th edition of Business ethics: decision making for personal integrity and social responsibility aims to tell the stories of both the good and bad in business. The questions today are less about IF ethics should be a part of business strategy than about WHICH values and principles should guide business decisions. This textbook provides a comprehensive, yet accessible introduction to the ethical issues arising in business. The authors' goal is to help students make responsible decisions for themselves. They have created a distinctive text that emphasizes a decision-making approach to ethics, helping students reach conclusions without imposing someone else's answers on them. The 6th edition also provides strong pedagogical support for both teachers and students. Numerous small cases and examples help teachers and students integrate concepts and material from philosophy, law, economics, management, finance, and marketing with the vary practical goal of making real-life decisions." -- McGraw-Hill Asia


Business Ethics

HF5387.H3743 2024